The Annual Scholarship Program Kirtipur (ASP)
Expansion of our educational support for primary school children

See the overall concept of our scholarship programs HERE



The support program "Primary Education Program Kirtipur, PEP", founded in 2008, is coming to an end with the school leaving certificate after class XII of the youngest scholarship holders at the turn of the year 2022/2023. The fact that out of a total of 74 children after 14 years of support, 53 girls and boys have already started higher education at colleges and universities with the help of our successor program "Study Support Program Kirtipur, SSP", has made the vision come true, with our consistent Aid focused on a limited circle of needy people to train a group of very well educated young people who may be able to really contribute to a better future in Nepal.

Simply reasons of age do not allow me to make the commitment to long-term support again. I would therefore like to plan future aid only in manageable annual sections in order to avoid disappointment among the recipients of promised or hoped-for aid.However, since Nepalhilfe Kirtipur does not want to end its support for the school education of particularly disadvantaged children prematurely, I and my helpers have developed a new concept that only allows elementary school students in grades 1-5 and pre-school classes from families with particularly precarious living conditions in parts of the year a scholarship is awarded.

With the help of the principals of the 14 state schools involved in our PEP program, my helpers selected a total of 60 eligible children for the new "Annual Scholarship Program Kirtipur, ASP". The scholarship is only provided for these children for one year at the beginning of the school year (currently from mid-April 2022). The decision to continue paying will not be made until next year. The continued payment of the scholarship after the end of a school year is not automatic, but requires a decision by Nepalhilfe Kirtipur. Further payment for pupils in class 6 is excluded. Scholarships that become available for reasons of age are awarded to successors.


Amount and duration of the grants:


In the "Primary Education Program Kirtipur, PEP" we had determined the total budget for the students in the primary school and lower secondary classes by simple multiplication and based the distribution primarily on the sometimes very divergent school fees of the individual schools (consequence of the Nepalese school system!). Pupils at schools with low tuition fees indirectly received less funding, although we never paid the scholarship to the pupils or their families in cash.

We deviate from this procedure in the ASP program both for reasons of fairness and to avoid greater effort by my helper. In the "ASP program" each scholarship holder is entitled to the same amount of support regardless of the school attended.

After detailed consultation and for the first time also taking into account the price increases in Nepal, which have been particularly noticeable in the last 2 years, we have set the annual scholarship for a student in the ASP program at 27,500 rupees. With an average exchange rate of 125, this corresponds to a value of 220 Euros

This amount covers:

• Annual tuition fees for state or local school (private schools are excluded!)
• Compulsory school uniform and shoes
• stationery (notebooks, pens, etc.)
• Books
• Special courses, excursions, use of computers, etc.
• Partial assumption of additional costs for urgent medical treatment

The program can be terminated at any time by Nepalhilfe Kirtipur at the end of the school year for organizational or financial reasons.




March 2023

Termination of funding for 9 students after the end of class 5. Selection to fill the scholarship places that have become free

MArch 2022

Start of the program with 60 selected elementary school students and preschoolers (classes ECD and 1-5) from particularly precarious families.






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